Helping Skippers Find Free Crew

Delivery Skippers and Boat Owners Looking for Free Crew

"It is easier to meet new people that already know how to sail then it is to teach your friends how to sail."

Our members volunteer to sail for free and pay their own way to and from the boat. The owner pays for the boat and all onboard expenses. If it is very short notice, you will increase your chances of securing crew by offering a travel stipend -- which is more the exception than the rule.

When seeking crew, consider from the crew's perspective the information you would want to know before taking the time off and buying a plane ticket to join the boat:

  • Details about the boat -- make, size, equipment, etc.
  • A summary of the captain's sailing experience
  • Who else will be on board, and their sailing experience
  • Any particular policies or restrictions

Please view our Message Board for examples of past crew requests we have approved and issued to our membership. When we present your offshore sailing opportunity to our entire membership, you will likely have many qualified crew who respond.

Please help us help you by completing the form below, sharing as much information as possible. Of course, we'll need your name, email address and boat particulars. However, we do not share phone numbers unless it is very short notice and you permit us to share it.


About You

Your Complete Name*

Your EMail Address*

Your Telephone Number

Boat Description

Boat Name*

Boat Make*

Boat Size*

Year Built*

Website URL

Pictures URL or survey

Blog URL

Please provide any additional details about the boat

Passage Information

Where is the passage is from?*

Where is the passage is to?*

Crew Information

Total crew size?*

How experienced are they?*

How experienced do the crew need to be?*

Will crew stand solo watches?*

What date you wish crew to arrive?*

What date will the crew to depart?*

Where will crew need to travel to?*

What is the name of marina or club?*

From what location will the crew return home?*

How many miles is the passage?*

How many days do you estimate the crew's time away from home?*

If you are a Delivery Skipper looking for crew and we have not previously worked with you ...

How did you hear about us?

How many years have you been a delivery skipper?

How many total miles have you sailed?

Please share any references that we can contact

How many crew do you need?

Who else do you already have?

What is their experience?

If you are the Boat Owner looking for crew and we have not previously worked with you ...

How many years have you owned the boat?

How many offshore passages have you made on this boat?

How well is she equipped?

Please describe any previous boats

Who else is on board and what is their experience level?

Additional Information

Will pets be on board?*

Will children be on board?*

Is smoking permitted on board?*

Is drinking permitted on board?*

Share any medical conditions or related concerns

Share any food allergies or related concerns

Please discuss seasicknesss or related concerns

How did you learn about OPO for this Crew Request?*

What is the sum of Eight and Two? Enter the answer as a number (0, 1, 2, etc.) below.*