Crew Request Form

In order to help us find crew for you we would like to have the following information about you, your boat and your planned passage(s) to avoid confusion. You may print this form, fill it out and fax it to us, or simply make sure to convey all of the information to us over the phone. OPO Fax # 631-423-9009

Your name___________________________

Name of your Boat____________________

Type and size of boat ___________________ Year______

What shape is she in: ____________________________________________________

Year last surveyed__________

How long have you owned your boat? ______________________

Equipment list: (The first two are usually the only main requirements)
1) Life raft ______
2) EPIRB ______
3) SSB ______

Your passage plans. Sail from where__________________to _______________________

Where would you want crew to fly into or meet you? _______________

Estimated duration of trip and when you expect to make port. # Of days________

Date when crew should make air reservations to fly home _______ From Where? ______________

Flavor of your passage:
1) Leisure passage/no rush _______

2) Extended Cruise looking for people to join for longer legs __

3) Forced March/need to get there ASAP. ______

What arrangements are you looking for?
1) Crew pays their own transportation to and from the boat, but all onboard expenses are included. _______
Crew should have their own money for time ashore. (This is the more usual arrangement)

2) Crew are expected to share in expenses of aprox $______ per day/ $_______ per week or $_______per month

3) You are willing to pay return airfare _____or $______ per day for the right person.

Have you been offshore with your boat before? _____________

What passages? ________________________________________

Rate your experience level:
1) First time offshore____
2) Moderate offshore experience ______
3) Many offshore miles ____. aprox how many ____________
4) Professional delivery skipper/Captains credentials _______

Contact Information
(check which ones you would like us to include in the notice of opportunity we send members)
1) E-mail Address ___________________
2) Home Phone ___________________
3) Work Phone ___________________ 

For more information please call us today at 1-800-472-7724
