We get many inquiries from people who may be looking for a job in the marine business. Some people are looking to make a career change. Others want to try to follow their dreams and go to sea. So how can one go about this when there is no clear path to follow as there are in most professions?
We are not a job placement service and it would be wrong to take money from you if your sole intention is for us to help you get a job. If you have been looking you may be familiar with the job placement services located in places like Ft. Lauderdale or Newport. They work for some people but remember their job is to send several applicants to a boat when a position opens up. Unless you are local or willing to travel to an interview then your chances of being hired are slim unless you have a great resume.
We have helped many people build good resumes and get sea time towards a Captain’s license. One of the best ways to get a job on a boat is by sailing into port on another boat and walking the docks looking for a position. It is easier to get a job on a boat when you are on a boat in the right place. Most likely where you are sitting now is not the right place.
I have been a delivery skipper since 1985 averaging 100 days a year at sea. I get more calls to move boats than I can handle. We have a small group of what I call, tier one skippers, who are OPO members and I have sailed with or know and can recommend to boat owners. They use OPO members for crew thus creating more opportunities for you. Some started as members and worked their way up to a paid position. If you would like to become a tier one skipper and wish to start working with us we encourage you to join and become an active member. In that way you will be entered into our system and be privy to all our information. Most important, once we get to know you, we can make the personal recommendations and referrals that can make the difference when looking for a job.
Hank Schmitt